At Springdale Elementary School we strive to build in each child the desire to listen to and create music, the confidence to perform and take risks, and the passion to find within themselves a genuine love for music.
Check out our Instagram at music.choose
Sing from day one. Start a singing routine in those very first days with a newborn. Even young babies respond to the warmth of a lap and the soothing sound of a lullaby being sung aloud.
Share songs every day. Sing with your child every day, even after he becomes an independent singer.
Re-listen to favorites. Most children love to hear their favorite songs over and over again. Listening to songs repeatedly provides an opportunity to hear something that may have been missed the first time, and provides another chance to hear a favorite part.
Send positive messages about the joys of music. Your own interest and excitement about music will be contagious!
Visit the symphony early and often. Public symphonies are great resources for different genres of music, information about instruments, child centered classes, and more. Make visiting the symphony part of your family’s routine.
Find the music in everyday things. Take time to point out to your child the ways that the community uses music every day. Grocery stores, shopping malls, television and movies, and public events all involve music!
Give your musician something to think and talk about. There are many different types of music available to young musicians. Vary the types of music you listen to, and seek out new kinds of music that gives you and your child something to think and talk about.
Sing, sing, sing. A child’s vocabulary grows through rich conversations with others. Singing allows a child to experience vocabulary in a variety of ways.
Know your stuff. Parents don’t need to be music specialists, but it is important to understand the basics about music.
Speak up! Support your child’s music program and encourage your child to love and respect music at all levels.
Look for new songs and composers that your child may enjoy. Organize an area dedicated to music, especially if your child is learning to play an instrument. Visit the symphony. Encourage your child to talk about what he’s singing or playing.
Take the time to explore songs with multiple languages and nonsense words. Offer a variety of songs to sing and play.
Sing with your child every day. Increase your home music library to include multiple genres of music. No music program can survive without your support. Get on board with raising a musician!
Adapted from “10 Things You Can Do to Raise a Reader” from Reading Rockets