As we continue to look at the different instrument families, this week brings us to the BRASS family. Each of these instruments, like the other families of instruments we have studied, have things about them that are similar.
Here is a BRASS band cover of the song "Havana". But wait...did you notice that one of those instruments didn't really belong in this group? Here's a's not the drums. Which instrument doesn't belong and why?
Aquí hay una versión de la banda BRASS de la canción "Havana". Pero espera ... ¿notaste que uno de esos instrumentos realmente no pertenecía a este grupo? Aquí hay una pista ... no es la batería. ¿Qué instrumento no pertenece y por qué?
Here's a simple song about a wolf. I will teach you the body percussion that goes with it next week.
Aquí hay una canción simple sobre un lobo. Te enseñaré la percusión corporal que acompaña a la próxima semana.