The opening song to the Link Up program is "Called Come to Play". This piece of music was written by a COMPOSER (someone who writes music) named Thomas Cananiss who was born in 1962. That means he is still alive today ind is 61 years old. Charles Cabaniss was born in Charleston, South Carolina but now he lives in New York City. (DO YOU KNOW ANYONE FROM SOUTH CAROLINA OR FROM NEW YORK CITY? HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO EITHER OF THOSE PLACES?) Cabaniss teaches at The Juilliard School, which is a very famous music school in New York City, and leads arts education programs throughout the city. We will all be SINGING the song "Come to Play" . Below is a video that has the lyrics that you can follow along with. You will notice that the voices you hear are very HIGH sounding and not what you may be used to listening to. This is because when young children sing in professional choirs the music that is written for them is different than what you may be used to listening to or singing at school. Pay close attention to how Charles Cabaniss used the lyrics to make the sounds of different instruments.