Who was Ludwig Van Beethoven? Watch this video to find out. (¿Quién fue Ludwig Van Beethoven? Mira este video para descubrirlo.)
Watch this video based on Ludwig Van Beethoven's 5th Symphony. (Mire este video basado en la Quinta Sinfonía de Ludwig Van Beethoven.)
Beethoven faced many difficulties in his life. Do you remember them? It would have been very easy for Beethoven to just give up and stop trying, but instead he kept working through it. I wonder how he did that...
Beethoven enfrentó muchas dificultades en su vida. ¿Los recuerdas? Habría sido muy fácil para Beethoven simplemente darse por vencido y dejar de intentarlo, pero en cambio siguió trabajando en ello. Me pregunto cómo hizo eso ...
Here is a list of some of the the things that Beethoven may have said to himself when he was tired or frustrated when writing music...
It is OK. I can do this!
I want to do the best job I can at this.
When I am stuck, I can think.
When I don't have ideas, I'll just give it my best and get it done.
If I feel discouraged, I can look at some of my past work for ideas.