Did you know that music has a heart beat just like we do? Put your hand on your chest and see if you can feel your heart beating. Is it fast or slow? Does it change? How can you make it change? In music we call this a steady beat. Whether it is fast, slow, or somewhere in between the beat always stays steady and constant. Watch this video about steady beat.
LARGO (slow) Presto (fast)
Piano and Forte
This is a quarter note. In our music class we will call this note a "TA". It gets 1 beat.
Level 1: Clap every time Little Mozart crosses over a quarter note. Level 2: Stomp on that quarter note every time Little Mozart crosses over it. Level 3: Jump over that quarter note! Hop as high as you can every time Little Mozart passes over a quarter note. Don't let it touch your feet! Level 4: Look out! Here comes a quarter note! Duck under each quarter note as Little Mozart passes overit.