This is a quarter note. In our music class we will call this note a "TA". It gets 1 beat.
Level 1: Clap every time Little Mozart crosses over a quarter note. Level 2: Stomp on that quarter note every time Little Mozart crosses over it. Level 3: Jump over that quarter note! Hop as high as you can every time Little Mozart passes over a quarter note. Don't let it touch your feet! Level 4: Look out! Here comes a quarter note! Duck under each quarter note as Little Mozart passes overit.
Today we will learn 2 new music vocabulary words. The first word is PRESTO which means FAST, and the second word is LARGO which means SLOW. Say the word PRESTO... Can you say it faster? Can you say it even faster? Make sure you don't get louder!
Take the next 10 seconds to say it as fast as you can but make sure you use your inside voice.
The second word is LARGO which means SLOW. Say the word LARGO... Can you say it slower? Can you say it even slower? Make sure your voice doesn't too loud again!
Take the next 30 seconds to say it as slow as you can but make sure you use your inside voice.
Now watch this video to see how PRESTO and LARGO work.