Reading Rhythms Review
The Nutcracker
The Snowman/Snowdog
Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saens
The Magic Flute
Peter and the Wolf
Pere i el Llop
Upper Grades Reading Rhythms
The Rainbow Crow
K/1 Rhythm Introduction and Review
Chuhta Long Term Guest Teacher Plans
Reading Rhythms Review
The Nutcracker
The Snowman/Snowdog
Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saens
The Magic Flute
Peter and the Wolf
Pere i el Llop
Upper Grades Reading Rhythms
The Rainbow Crow
K/1 Rhythm Introduction and Review
Chuhta Long Term Guest Teacher Plans
Hello Friends!
I hope you enjoy watching these music videos and singing and playing along!
Little Red Caboose
I’m Sitting on a Boat
How many bananas should we feed Mr. Monkey next time?
Indicates required field
Student Name
Parent Email
Chose a number of bananas between 1 and 10...
Link Back to Lesson 1
Reading Rhythms Review
The Nutcracker
The Snowman/Snowdog
Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saens
The Magic Flute
Peter and the Wolf
Pere i el Llop
Upper Grades Reading Rhythms
The Rainbow Crow
K/1 Rhythm Introduction and Review
Chuhta Long Term Guest Teacher Plans