“PRESTO” and “LARGO” are two important vocabulary words in music. Both of these words come from the Italian language. “PRESTO” means fast, and “LARGO” means slow. Watch this fun video to find out more...
"PRESTO" y "LARGO" son dos palabras de vocabulario importantes en la música. Ambas palabras provienen del idioma italiano. "PRESTO" significa rápido, y "LARGO" significa lento. Mira este divertido video para obtener más información ...
Take a minute and think about what you just leaned about “PRESTO” and “LARGO” form the video. Now think about the chant that we learned last week. Was there any part of the chant or game that showed “PRESTO” and “LARGO”?
Tómese un minuto y piense en lo que acaba de aprender sobre "PRESTO" y "LARGO" del video. Ahora piense en el canto que aprendimos la semana pasada. ¿Hubo alguna parte del canto o juego que mostrara "PRESTO" y "LARGO"?
The video is here only if you need a reminder.
El video está aquí solo si necesita un recordatorio.
El video está aquí solo si necesita un recordatorio.
This is a new song called “Bim Bom”. It is a traditional folk song sung in Hebrew. The words will not sound familiar.
Esta es una nueva canción llamada "Bim Bom". Es una canción popular tradicional cantada en hebreo. Las palabras no sonarán familiares.
Step 1
Bim Bom, biri biri bom Biri biri bom bom Biri biri bim bom Bim bom bom biri Bim bom bom biri Bim bom biri biri bim bom bom Bim bom bom biri Bim bom bom biri Bim bom biri biri bim bom bom |